Specialising in new and second hand cars of excellent condition for optimal market value. Already reknowned for offering the best after sales service and affordable quality spare parts we are now bringing our showroom into the comfort of your home through this regularly updated website.
Here you can search our stock of cars, vans and trucks that match your needs and budget. For your convenience and peace of mind not only do we import cars which pass benchmark certifications but we also provide a complete one stop shop, we also cater for your car insurance, as Tied Insurance Intermediary for Elmo Insurance Agency Ltd. Malta, we can offer Home , Boat , Health , Business Insurance.
We offer a choice of your own and we can bring it to you at the earliest period, from a city car to a luxury car and from a small commercial to heavy commercials.
If you are also considering selling or exchanging your car please do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone or through this website whichever is most convenient for you.
For the best new and second hand cars in Malta and Gozo look no further before checking out what we have to offer. Have a look around. Get in touch with us today!